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Message Board
Join the board to discuss with other Shannyn fans.Share news,pics and everything you want on this board!


 40&40 Movie Premiere
The movie premiere is set to be on February 20 at the Mann's Festival Theatre!

posted on february 18,2002

 Magazines Alert
Shannyn is featured in the February issue of GQ and March issue of Jane & InStyle magazines

posted on february 17,2002

 Rules Of Attraction Teaser
The teaser of Rules Of Attraction is now available to download at

posted on february 3,2002

 The Shooting Of 'The Sin Eater'
Shannyn hits Rome on January 4 to shoot her new movie The Sin Eater with director Brian Helgeland and Heath Ledger.No more info on this movie.

posted on january 2,2002

 40 Days & 40 Nights new release date
40 Days & 40 Nights release date has move from January 25 to February 1st,2002.
We're gonna have to wait 1 week more!

posted on october 8,2001

 Happy Birthday Shannyn!
Shannyn turns 23 (or 22?) years old today (October 3)!!
I'm not sure of her age,but I do hope she will have a great birthday!!

posted on october 3,2001

 A Knight's Tale on video and DVD today!
A Knight's Tale is now available to buy on DVD or to rent on VHS.
You can also buy it online at

posted on september 25,2001

 Shannyn's next project : The Rules Of Attraction
Dawson's Creek star James Van Der Beek and A Knight's Tale's Shannyn Sossamon play the
game in The Rules of Attraction. Adapted from the Bret Easton Ellis novel, the Lions
Gate feature is a twisted view of three mid-'80s undergrads and the unusual romantic next spring.The filming begins on August 17.

posted on august 13,2001 | from (Thanks John!)

 2 Teen Choice Nominations For Shannyn!
Shannyn is nominated for 2 Teen Choice Awards.One for breakout performance,
and another for Choice Chemistry with Heath Ledger in A Knight's Tale.
The show airs Monday, August 20 (8pm ET/ 7pm PT) on FOX.Don't miss it !!
You can vote for her >>HERE<<!!

posted on august 10,2001 | from

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